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Swg Bounty Hunter Expertise Build

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We are in no way affiliated with Sony Online Entertainment, Lucas Arts or any other legal owners of Star Wars Galaxies related material. Skill Planner developed by Etas at Revelation Online. UI designed by Tyclo at Sentinels RepublicSentinels Republic. In the expertise pic I have both melee and range specials. I love doing this and actually simpler to use then it looks. Set up a toolbar on your primary with all your pistol specials and everything you need along with your pistol on the toolbar (this help so you can just click to use when you have a melee weapon equipped and makes it easy to.


SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.

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Bounty Hunter FAQ

Q: What are the requirements for Bounty Hunter?

A: You need to master the Scout and Marksman professions, and need 40k Combat Experience.

Q. Where can I find a bounty Hunter Trainer?A. You can find trainers at the following locations:

Tyrena, Corellia: -5130, -2300Keren, Naboo: 2085, 2575Narmle, Rori: -5230, -2240Mos Eisley, Tatooine: 3360, -4840Wayfar, Tatooine: -5150, -6587

Q. Where can I find a Bounty Hunter Terminal?A. You can find a terminal at the following locations:

Coronet, Corellia: -220, -4470 / -195, -4470Doaba Guerfel, Corellia: 3166, 5338Tyrena, Corellia: -5130, -2300 / -5060, -2306Imperial Prison, Dathomir: -6335, 930Smuggler Outpost, Endor: -905, 1610Kaadara, Naboo: 5190, 6673 / 4928, 6728Keren, Naboo: 2085, 2575Dearic, Talus: 265, -3070 (outside Cloning Center)Bestine, Tatooine: -1445, -3658Imperial Fort, Tatooin: -5270, 2810Mos Eisley, Tatooine: 3375, -4845

Q. Where can I find a Bounty Hunter Informant?

Novice Bounty Hunter InformantsCornett, Corellia: -212, -4465Kor Vella, Corellia: Yka Lakid -3418, 3079Tyrena, Corellia: -5098, -2344Kaadara, Naboo: 5040, 6735Keren, Naboo: 2030, 2593Nermle, Rori: -5171, -2265Mos Eisley, Tatooine: 3448, -4854 / 3488, -4780

Bounty Hunter 2 Informants (Investigation 1 and 2)Bela Vistal, Corellia: Edo Ikelv 6830, -5543Deeja Peak, Naboo: Kaskavir (an information broker) 4923, -1410Kaadara, Naboo: Spynet Informant 5412, 6674 (behind Star Port)Narmle, Rori, -5120, -2268Keren, Naboo, (The one left side of Starport) Free program ufone card recharge hacked.

Swg Bounty Hunter Skills

Bounty Hunter 3 Informants (Investigation 3 and 4)Bela Vistal, Corellia: Opew 6869, -5753Dearic, Talus, 682, -3219 (balcony of the capitol building (by the shuttleport)Kaadara, Naboo: 5275. 6561 (outside cloning center)Mos Eisley, Tatooine: Nachelamov Ethiakive (a bodyguard) 3396, -4600 (in the ship, main floor, back right corner through door)Mos Taike, 3950, 2273 (Next to Tower)

Q. What kinds of droids do I need and when do I need them to complete BH missions?

A. You will only need to use droids once you train Investigation 1 you will need to begin using Arakyd Probe Droids and Seeker droids (note: not the Arakyd Fugitive Tracker droid). After getting your mission from the BH terminal speak to a BH 2 BH 3 Informant to gain the mark's bio signature. Then travel outside the city limits and call down one arakyd probe droid. Once it lands upload the Bio sig and wait until the probe sends back a message telling you where your mark is. Once you travel there use a seeker to track down where the Mark has moved to. A typical mission will use up 1 Arakyd Probe droid and 4 Seekers early on in a BH's career.

Q. My seeker keeps saying my mark is at the waypoint but there's no one there, even after mulitple attempts with a seeker droid. What do I do?

A. This is an existing issue. Sometimes if you're too close to the waypoint the seekers will stop updating to the mark's actual location. Use an Arakyd Probe Droid and the waypoint will reset to the mark's new location.

Q. Is there is place where the BH level 2 and 3 Informants are in the same city as a BH terminal?

A. Kaadara, Naboo has both BH level 2 and level 3 informants. The BH 2 informant is directly behind the Star Port. The BH 3 informant is next to the Cloning Facility.


SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.

Fujitronic fh 797 manual.
Bounty Hunter FAQ

Q: What are the requirements for Bounty Hunter?

A: You need to master the Scout and Marksman professions, and need 40k Combat Experience.

Q. Where can I find a bounty Hunter Trainer?A. You can find trainers at the following locations:

Tyrena, Corellia: -5130, -2300Keren, Naboo: 2085, 2575Narmle, Rori: -5230, -2240Mos Eisley, Tatooine: 3360, -4840Wayfar, Tatooine: -5150, -6587

Q. Where can I find a Bounty Hunter Terminal?A. You can find a terminal at the following locations:

Coronet, Corellia: -220, -4470 / -195, -4470Doaba Guerfel, Corellia: 3166, 5338Tyrena, Corellia: -5130, -2300 / -5060, -2306Imperial Prison, Dathomir: -6335, 930Smuggler Outpost, Endor: -905, 1610Kaadara, Naboo: 5190, 6673 / 4928, 6728Keren, Naboo: 2085, 2575Dearic, Talus: 265, -3070 (outside Cloning Center)Bestine, Tatooine: -1445, -3658Imperial Fort, Tatooin: -5270, 2810Mos Eisley, Tatooine: 3375, -4845

Q. Where can I find a Bounty Hunter Informant?

Novice Bounty Hunter InformantsCornett, Corellia: -212, -4465Kor Vella, Corellia: Yka Lakid -3418, 3079Tyrena, Corellia: -5098, -2344Kaadara, Naboo: 5040, 6735Keren, Naboo: 2030, 2593Nermle, Rori: -5171, -2265Mos Eisley, Tatooine: 3448, -4854 / 3488, -4780

Bounty Hunter 2 Informants (Investigation 1 and 2)Bela Vistal, Corellia: Edo Ikelv 6830, -5543Deeja Peak, Naboo: Kaskavir (an information broker) 4923, -1410Kaadara, Naboo: Spynet Informant 5412, 6674 (behind Star Port)Narmle, Rori, -5120, -2268Keren, Naboo, (The one left side of Starport) Free program ufone card recharge hacked.

Swg Bounty Hunter Skills

Bounty Hunter 3 Informants (Investigation 3 and 4)Bela Vistal, Corellia: Opew 6869, -5753Dearic, Talus, 682, -3219 (balcony of the capitol building (by the shuttleport)Kaadara, Naboo: 5275. 6561 (outside cloning center)Mos Eisley, Tatooine: Nachelamov Ethiakive (a bodyguard) 3396, -4600 (in the ship, main floor, back right corner through door)Mos Taike, 3950, 2273 (Next to Tower)

Q. What kinds of droids do I need and when do I need them to complete BH missions?

A. You will only need to use droids once you train Investigation 1 you will need to begin using Arakyd Probe Droids and Seeker droids (note: not the Arakyd Fugitive Tracker droid). After getting your mission from the BH terminal speak to a BH 2 BH 3 Informant to gain the mark's bio signature. Then travel outside the city limits and call down one arakyd probe droid. Once it lands upload the Bio sig and wait until the probe sends back a message telling you where your mark is. Once you travel there use a seeker to track down where the Mark has moved to. A typical mission will use up 1 Arakyd Probe droid and 4 Seekers early on in a BH's career.

Q. My seeker keeps saying my mark is at the waypoint but there's no one there, even after mulitple attempts with a seeker droid. What do I do?

A. This is an existing issue. Sometimes if you're too close to the waypoint the seekers will stop updating to the mark's actual location. Use an Arakyd Probe Droid and the waypoint will reset to the mark's new location.

Q. Is there is place where the BH level 2 and 3 Informants are in the same city as a BH terminal?

A. Kaadara, Naboo has both BH level 2 and level 3 informants. The BH 2 informant is directly behind the Star Port. The BH 3 informant is next to the Cloning Facility.

Q: How do I track a Investigation I-IV Mark?

A: First, you need a supply of Arkayd Probe Droids (the stackable type, not the pet type), and Seeker Droids. Get those from a Droid Engineer or Bazaar.

Next, take a mission from a BH Terminal and then speak with an Informant that is appropriate for your level.

Now, leave the city. After getting the 'you have left Whatever City message' try to launch an Arkayd Probot. You might get a message indicating that 'You must move to a different area to call down a probe droid from orbit.' If that's the case, move farther out of town.

Swg Nge Bounty Hunter Expertise

Upon launching the droid, you will get a countdown until the droid lands. Watch for and listen for the explosion of the landing probot! That is where the probot will emerge, reading as an 'Imperial Probot Base'. Sometimes, the droid will land outside of your radar, but generally no more than 100 meters from you. Also, due to a bug, sometimes the droid may not spawn for up to 20 seconds. Be patient and stand still.

Highlight the probot, and select 'Transmit Biological Signature'. The Probot will then launch and commence a search pattern for your mark. A few minutes later, the droid will report which planet the mark is on. Head there, but realize that some of the elite planets do cost a lot of credits to get to! Balance the cost of hunting your mark against the reward!

Once on the same planet as your mark, you'll see the waypoint of his last monitored location - what the probot detected. Based upon your own skill and intuition, your use of seekers will determine where you can find and intercept the mark. Launch a seeker to gain information on your mark's whereabouts. Most of the time, the mark heads toward a known city, presumably to head to a starport and get away from you! A few methods exist in predicting your mark's location: Some people will mark the Orange Mission Waypoint with a blue waypoint, as well (using the /waypoint) command, and after a few seekers, will see the general direction that the mark is heading! Some hunters will go to the city that the mark is heading towards, and wait for it there, or head toward the mark once it gets within a couple of kilometers. Some will just use seekers to track the mark down like the dog he/she/it is! Refine your own methods!

Q. What kinds of droids do I need and when do I need them to complete BH missions?

A. You will only need to use droids once you train Investigation 1 you will need to begin using Arakyd Probe Droids and Seeker droids. After getting your mission from the BH terminal speak to a spynet level 2, or spynet level 3 Informant to gain the mark's bio signature. Then travel outside the city limits and call down one arakyd probe droid. Once it lands upload the Bio sig and wait until the probe sends back a message telling you where your mark is. Once you travel there use a seeker to track down where the Mark has moved to.

  • Tip* using the 'Find and Track' option will not use up any Seekers from your stack

Q. My seeker keeps saying my mark is at the waypoint but there's no one there, even after mulitple attempts with a seeker droid. What do I do?

A. This is an existing issue. Sometimes if you're too close to the waypoint the seekers will stop updating to the mark's actual location. Use an Arakyd Probe Droid and the waypoint will reset to the mark's new location.

Q. Is there is place where the BH level 2 and 3 Informants are in the same city as a BH terminal?

A. Kaadara, Naboo has both BH level 2 and level 3 informants. The BH 2 informant is directly behind the Star Port. The BH 3 informant is next to the Cloning Facility.

Q: How do I track a Investigation I-IV Mark?

A: First, you need a supply of Arkayd Probe Droids (the stackable type, not the pet type), and Seeker Droids. Get those from a Droid Engineer or Bazaar.

Next, take a mission from a BH Terminal and then speak with an Informant that is appropriate for your level.

Now, leave the city. After getting the 'you have left Whatever City message' try to launch an Arkayd Probot. You might get a message indicating that 'You must move to a different area to call down a probe droid from orbit.' If that's the case, move farther out of town.

Upon launching the droid, you will get a countdown until the droid lands. Watch for and listen for the explosion of the landing probot! That is where the probot will emerge, reading as an 'Imperial Probot Base'. Sometimes, the droid will land outside of your radar, but generally no more than 100 meters from you. Also, due to a bug, sometimes the droid may not spawn for up to 20 seconds. Be patient and stand still.

Highlight the probot, and select 'Transmit Biological Signature'. The Probot will then launch and commence a search pattern for your mark. A few minutes later, the droid will report which planet the mark is on. Head there, but realize that some of the elite planets do cost a lot of credits to get to! Balance the cost of hunting your mark against the reward!

Once on the same planet as your mark, you'll see the waypoint of his last monitored location - what the probot detected. Based upon your own skill and intuition, your use of seekers will determine where you can find and intercept the mark. Launch a seeker to gain information on your mark's whereabouts. Most of the time, the mark heads toward a known city, presumably to head to a starport and get away from you! A few methods exist in predicting your mark's location: Some people will mark the Orange Mission Waypoint with a blue waypoint, as well (using the /waypoint) command, and after a few seekers, will see the general direction that the mark is heading! Some hunters will go to the city that the mark is heading towards, and wait for it there, or head toward the mark once it gets within a couple of kilometers. Some will just use seekers to track the mark down like the dog he/she/it is! Refine your own methods!

Q. Which Bounty Hunter special has a fire damage over time?

A. The Bounter Hunter Pistol skill, Torso Shot, has a fire damage over time.

Q. Does Bleeding Shot and Health Shot 1 stack?

A. Yes, Bleeding Shot and Health shot stack but Bleeding Shot has a damage over time to mind while Health Shot attacks health.

Q. Ok I just got Novice BH and I'm ready to start hunting marks what do I do?

A. Grab a scatter pistol and an LLC. After gaining your 40K combat you should have enough carbine and pistol xp to train BH pistol I and BH carbine I. It isn't necessary to train in LLC1 immediately and that can be done later. To hunt a mark go to the Bounty Hunter mission terminal with no weapon equipped. Remember the level of missions depends on the weapon you have equipped. With no weapon you will get low level missions that usually pay between 3-4K and are a little easier. The marks usually do energy damage and use AP0 weapons against you. Once you get a mission you have to find an informant. Level 0 missions don't planet hop and are on the same planet as you so you don't need droids (as mentioned by the author of this thread). Talk to an informant to get your marks location and then go out to kill them.

Q. Can I use power-ups on my LLC?

A. No, the LLC is a heavy weapon and would use heavy weapon power-ups if they existed.

Q. What are all the Bounty Hunter titles and what tree are they for?

A. Avenger - LLC treeInvestigator - Carbine treeExpert Bounty Hunter - Pistol treeStalker - Investigation tree

Q. How much investigation XP do I get per mission.

Swg Legends Bounty Hunter Expertise Build

A. Investigation XP is 1% of mission payout. Higher paying missions will give more Investigation XP.

Q: Sometimes my marks end up in a city stuck in buildings and are attackable yet can be seen, is this mission stopper?

A: Most of the time it's not, and here's how you can try to get around it: *note - this will require a pet or a droid* Give your attack command to your pet/droid and 9 times out of 10 the pet/droid and mark will go at it, even through walls. Next, give your follow command and head for open area away from the building, 9 times out of 10 that mark will come running right out, guns blazing! Engage the mark as normal. Not only have I used this repeatedly to 'free' marks from invalid locs but I've used this on other attackable NPC's stuck in static structures just to verify that it works. For example, had a mummer stuck in railing outside a guildhall in Kadaara. While most of him was showing, his legs were in the scenery and he was not attackable. Droid attacks, mummer comes running after it + me waiting patiently with LLC = really really dead mummer.

Q. Is there a way to earn Investigation XP other than missions from a Bounty Hunter Terminal?

A. Yes. At Investigation II you are able to be part of a team which can take over a Faction base. There are various, static NPC bases throughout the galaxy. Taking over the base requires a Bio Engineer, Bounty Hunter, Commando, and Smuggler. Successfully taking over a faction base will reward the Bounty Hunter with 1000 Investigation XP.

Q: Do marks move around randomly or is there some pattern to their behavior?

A: The novice level marks, being on the same planet aren't covered in this, but here are my findings using a simple calculator. The mark, given that the seekers are properly updating his position - meaning you are not needing to launch a second Arakyd probe on-planet, seems to travel at about 176m/min. Besides the occasional mark that seems to always be one step ahead of me, meaning changing direction (not sure if they are really doing this or not) and being 3-4km away from me always, this number should allow you to plan how long you have for healing and/or missions until the mark is within a reasonable distance. For instance, my first mark this morning was at a distance of ~10km from Restuss on Rori. Using the mark travel speed, I was able to get some chores done and come back in time to launch another seeker and locate the mark right in town at exactly the time I had predicted.
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